
Emission Nebula. Monoceros

March 2011. Cave Creek Canyon Observatory, Arizona Sky Village

Sh2-284 is a giant HII region. Inside of it is an open star cluster, whose light is energizing the hydrogen gas in the nebula. Stellar winds from the star cluster are clearing out the center of the nebula, giving it a distinctive hollow spherical shape.

Telescope: ASA N16 f3.6
Mount: Astro Physics 3600GTO “El Capitan”
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M
Guider: SBIG STL-Internal

L: 30×5 mins = 150 mins, R: 26×5 mins = 130 mins, G: 23×5 mins = 115 mins, B: 23×5 mins = 115 mins

Total Imaging Time: 8h 30m

Data Imaged remotely over 6 nights during March 2011.
Data acquisition & Processing by David Churchill.