IC 405 Region

Emission Nebulae & Open Clusters, Auriga

November 2024. Cave Creek Canyon Observatory, Arizona Sky Village

This region of the constellation of Auriga contains several prominent objects. The region is dominated by IC 405 (bottom right), an emission nebula also known as The Flaming Star Nebula, Sharpless 229 (Sh2-229) and also Caldwell 31. Nearby is IC 410, The Tadpole Nebula or NGC 1893, and also IC 417, The Spider Nebula. Two Messier open clusters are also seen in this image. M38 (also known as the Starfish cluster or NGC 1912)M38 and M36 (also known as the Pinwheel Cluster or NGC 1960). The clusters were discovered by Giovanni Batista Hodierna before 1654 and independently found by Le Gentil in 1749

Telescope: Askar FRA300pro f5
Mount: Astro Physics Mach-1
Camera: ZWO ASI6200MC pro
Guider: ZWO Off-Axis-Guider / ZWO120MM Mini
Filters: None. Integrated ZWO UV/IR Cut Filter Cover

114×5 mins = 570 mins

Total Imaging Time: 9h 30m

Data Imaged remotely on 2 nights during November 2024.
Data acquisition & Processing by David Churchill.